You may be interested in our post here about the issues around certain genetic conditions and accusations of non accidental injury or Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII).
Meeting at the Houses of Parliament
Justice For Families in collaboration with EDS UK is holding a Family Law Meeting in the Houses of Parliament on 24th June 2014, as a response to all the allegations of child abuse and FII reported in the EDS community.
Mr John Hemming MP and Lara Bloom, Chief Operations Officer for EDS UK, will host a gathering of professional minds to discuss Ehlers within Family Law and NAI’s.
The confirmed speakers so far are:
Professor Rodney Grahame
Professor of Clinical Rheumatology – Senior Consultant in Clinical Genetics – Extensive experience in complex cases involving allegations of serious non accidental injuries especially those concerning scientific or medical issues.
Dr Anand Saggar
Senior Consultant in Clinical genetics.
Paul Storey QC and Alexa Storey
Barristers with extensive experience in complex cases involving allegations of serious NAI.
Time and place
The event will take place on June 24th from 6.30 – 9.30 at the MacMillan Room at Portcullis House SW1A.
If you would like to go, please email Jacque Courtnage at
as attendance is by invitation only.