Legal Blogs
Seusspicious minds – family lawyer.
Pink Tape – family barrister.
Family Lore – musings from an English family lawyer.
Parents Accused – family solicitor offering help and advice to parents involved in cases of non-accidental injury.
Encyclopaedia on Family and the Law – interesting articles and informative content on every aspect of family law in the UK.
UK Human Rights Blog – edited by barristers from 1 Crown Office Row.
Head of Legal – comment on public law and human rights issues.
Strasbourg Observers – based at the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University in Belgium. Aims to bring new judgments of the European Court of Human Rights to the attention of interested scholars, practitioners and students.
The Transparency Project – The aim of the project is to shed some light on the workings of the Family Courts, to make the process and the cases understandable for people without law degrees.
Mental Health Issues
Not So Big Society – blog by a nurse therapist working in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Relief from anxiety – a blog by Amy, aged 18, about her experiences of anxiety.
Dealing with anxiety – about anxiety and depression.
Social Work
How not to do social work – thoughts from an experienced social worker.
The Barefoot Social Worker – social work from a libertarian perspective.
Families and Parents
Birthmum – blog from a parent whose three children were adopted
Holes in the Wall – documenting parent abuse; defined as any harmful act by a teenage child, whether physical, psychological or financial, which is intended to gain power and control over a parent or carer.
Nick King’s blog – adoptive parent.
The misadventures of an adoptive dad – a blog from Al, a dad, who through a series of decisions and choices allied to circumstances and opportunities is the father to six children.
Surviving Safeguarding – a mother who has been through the process and kept her child
No star to guide me – a site looking at how people give advice on social media – has very comprehensive resources page for help and advice about a variety of issues.
A care leaver’s blog – about her experiences in care and beyond.
Policy Issues
A Kind of Trouble – exploring the government’s Troubled Families Programme, looking at how the key workers are enacting the troubled families agenda and if/how they are negotiating it and/or resisting it.
Covert recording legal and permissable
To readers,
Here is a quote from an anonymous parent on another forum about recording meetings etc. Is it right ? Can we tape meetings without informing the other participants or not? All replies welcome.
QUOTE: You have the right to record them without even informing them or asking their permission! They are public servants and Munby LJ himself set this precedent in re: Stafford: Public servants have no expectation of privacy in their work and even less so than any other individual walking down the public highway shouting their business) :UNQUOTE
The Transparency Project produced full guidance on the issue of recording meetings with social workers in December 2015
Thank you for the reference, Sarah. The Transparency project has obviously done good work on the issue.
The only useful points which i feel a parent might add of interest to readers are:-
a) If a respondent wishes to record meetings etc. in order to prove malpractice,threats,coercion,biased opinions,lack of fair discussion et al on the part of professionals then recording will be of limited value unless done covertly. Obviously ,they will moderate what they say but may not stop conducting your case incorrectly.
b) Do not overlook that devices are also available which record telephone calls.
c) The transparency project paper mentions that a Judge may find recordings of little value and might even refuse to listen should they be patchy and hard to hear. Excellent equipment guaranteed to make fine quality recordings has long been used in the security industry in industrial espionage;, listening in devices have been planted in staff rooms by bosses etc. for many years. If you are serious about recording ,i advise you to obtain the best quality you can afford.Use the internet in this respect because there are few high street stores active in this particular market.
d) I suggest ‘recorders’ pay great attention to the dating of recordings,times etc.
I don’t think it will ever be useful indeed i think it dangerous to put overt or covert recordings out on to the social media. Apart from the fact that any parent doing so will lay themselves open to legal action, imprisonment etc., i think it will be unethical. Keep the recordings between yourself,other parties and the Court itself.Let the Court decide what can be published. Protect your children,youselves and Social Workers from castigation ,attack,trolling and abuse.
Hi. I am the grandmother of 2 boys who were taken from my home. My daughter(their mother) is an alcoholic. It got very severe. DCFS was involved and there were many phone calls from my neighbors to DCFS. Any way my niece volunteered to take the boys however she has had 2 suicide attempts and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia during the attempts. She was hospitalized. My daughter is completing her programs successfully and has supervised visits. My niece has blocked me from seeing my grandsons basically. My niece has also begun a relationship with the youngest boy’s father and although he is now not allowed to go back to my niece’s house, they find other ways to “get together.” I am fearful that my daughter will lose custody based on the ongoing deceit by my niece who now seems to be sabotaging the initial agreement.
The six key principles of safeguarding are
– to empower individuals
– protect their rights and promote their welfare
– to enable them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect
– to provide support and protection for vulnerable adults
– to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people
– to work in partnership with others
These principles underpin all safeguarding work and should be at the forefront of everything we do to keep people safe. They provide a framework for decision making and help us to focus on what is important – the individual’s needs and experiences.
Read another amazing blog:
Important some points for Child Protection & Safeguarding :-
Child protection means keeping kids safe from harm.
Safeguarding involves preventing abuse and neglect.
Adults should watch out for signs of danger.
Children must feel safe to talk about any worries.
It’s important to teach kids about their rights and boundaries.
Everyone has a role in protecting children.
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It’s unbelievable
The most devastating genocide in the world is being carried out by AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church, which kill innocent women and children in Gaza.
AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America) provided Israel with TNT (explosives) for their GENOCIDE.
Gaza has been declared a disaster area and lacks essential resources for living in it, as follows.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 90% of Gaza, destroying 437,600 homes, and killing one million people, including 50 thousand who are currently under rubble, 80% of whom are women and children.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 330,000 meters of water pipes, resulting in people not being able to drink water.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed more than 655,000 meters of underground sewer lines. Now people have no washrooms to use.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 2,800,000 two million eight hundred thousand meters of roads, causing people to have no roads to use.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel have destroyed 3680 km of electric grid, which has caused people to lose electricity.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 48 hospitals and leveled them to the ground. Now, no one will have a hospital to save their lives.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (USA), and Israel destroyed over 785,000 students’ ability to attend school and learn. Their actions resulted in the complete destruction of 494 schools and universities, many of which were destroyed by bombing.
AIPAC, The Evangelical Church (America), and Israel destroyed 981 mosques to prevent homless people from asking God for help.
AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America) have made over 39000 small children orphans and left them without parents or relatives to care for them.
There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been destroyed, 100% of the population has been displaced, and 50% of the deaths are children.
Don’t hesitate to call it what it is
AIPAC ( ) and The Evangelical Church (America) are creating a GENOCIDE.
see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money
1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble
2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.
3- Because what USA president say about AIPAC and The Evangelical Church (America)
See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at
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Watch the real news at
It is imperative to take action by expressing your concerns regarding the ongoing situation in Gaza. One way to do this is by publicly urging your government to cease hostilities and provide humanitarian aid to the affected population. If you find yourself unable to take direct action, consider sharing this message along with the relevant links with at least four acquaintances, encouraging them to do the same. This will help raise awareness about the current crisis. It is a tragic irony that those who suffered during the Holocaust are now perceived as contributing to a new tragedy against the Palestinian people in Gaza.
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It is astonishing.
AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church are implicated in one of the most devastating genocides in history, targeting innocent women and children in Gaza.
These organizations have provided Israel with explosives to enable their genocidal actions.
Gaza has been declared a disaster zone, severely lacking in vital resources necessary for survival.
AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have ravaged 90% of Gaza, leading to the destruction of 437,600 homes and the loss of one million lives, including 50,000 individuals currently trapped under rubble, with 80% of the casualties being women and children.
They have also destroyed 330,000 meters of water pipelines, leaving the population without access to potable water.
Furthermore, over 655,000 meters of underground sewage systems have been devastated, depriving residents of essential sanitation facilities.
The destruction encompasses 2,800,000 meters of roadways, making transportation impossible for the affected population.
Additionally, 3,680 kilometers of the electrical grid have been dismantled, resulting in widespread power outages.
The assault has led to the demolition of 48 hospitals, eliminating crucial healthcare facilities for those in need.
Moreover, the actions of AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have disrupted the education of over 785,000 students, with 494 schools and universities being completely destroyed, many as a result of aerial bombardments.
They have also targeted 981 mosques, effectively suppressing the prayers of the homeless who seek divine assistance.
Consequently, over 39,000 young children have been left orphaned, lacking parents or guardians to provide care.
It is important to highlight that the historical context of warfare has never seen a situation where 80% of a nation has been devastated, 100% of its population has been displaced, and 50% of the casualties are children.
Recognizing the seriousness of this situation is imperative.
Organizations such as AIPAC and the Evangelical Church in America are contributing to what can only be characterized as genocide.
The implications of American taxpayer funding in relation to Israel’s actions against innocent children are concerning.
1. A thorough examination of Israel’s precarious circumstances is necessary.
2. The impact of financial influence, often linked to specific groups, significantly affects these dynamics. Additional information can be accessed through the provided link.
3. Insights into the views of U.S. leadership regarding AIPAC and the Evangelical Church can be investigated through the following resource.
The heartbreaking reality of innocent children suffering at the hands of powerful Israeli forces using American weaponry is evident in numerous media reports.
It is essential to remain informed by consulting trustworthy news sources.
It is imperative to take action by expressing your concerns to your government regarding the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. If you are unable to do so, please consider sharing this message along with the provided links with at least four friends, encouraging them to do the same. This will help raise awareness about the situation. It is a tragic irony that those who suffered during the Holocaust are now perceived as contributing to the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Failure to engage in this advocacy may suggest a lack of compassion.
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Хорошего дня!
It is astonishing.
AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church are perpetrating one of the most catastrophic genocides in history, targeting innocent women and children in Gaza.
These organizations have supplied Israel with explosives to facilitate their acts of genocide.
Gaza has been designated a disaster zone, severely lacking in essential resources for survival.
AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have devastated 90% of Gaza, resulting in the destruction of 437,600 homes and the loss of one million lives, including 50,000 individuals currently trapped under debris, with 80% of the casualties being women and children.
They have also obliterated 330,000 meters of water pipelines, leaving the population without access to drinking water.
Furthermore, over 655,000 meters of underground sewage systems have been destroyed, depriving residents of basic sanitation facilities.
The destruction extends to 2,800,000 meters of roadways, rendering transportation impossible for the affected population.
Additionally, 3,680 kilometers of the electrical grid have been dismantled, leading to widespread power outages.
The assault has resulted in the demolition of 48 hospitals, eliminating critical healthcare facilities for those in need.
Moreover, the actions of AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have disrupted the education of over 785,000 students, with 494 schools and universities being completely destroyed, many due to aerial bombardments.
They have also targeted 981 mosques, effectively silencing the prayers of the homeless seeking divine assistance.
As a result of these actions, more than 39,000 young children have been left orphaned, without parents or guardians to care for them.
I must emphasize that the historical context of warfare has never witnessed a scenario where 80% of a nation has been devastated, 100% of its populace has been uprooted, and 50% of the casualties are children.
It is imperative to recognize the gravity of the situation.
Organizations such as AIPAC and the Evangelical Church in America are contributing to what can only be described as genocide.
The implications of American taxpayer funding in the context of Israel’s actions against innocent children are alarming.
1. An examination of Israel’s precarious situation is warranted.
2. The influence of financial power, often associated with certain groups, plays a significant role in these dynamics. Further information can be found through the provided link.
3. Insights into the perspectives of U.S. leadership regarding AIPAC and the Evangelical Church can be explored through the following resource.
The tragic reality of innocent children being harmed by powerful Israeli forces utilizing American weaponry is evident in various media reports.
It is crucial to stay informed by accessing reliable news sources.
If action is not taken—such as advocating for a cessation of violence against the people of Gaza and urging humanitarian aid—then it is essential to share this message with others to raise awareness. The historical irony of those who suffered during the Holocaust now perpetuating violence against the Palestinian people is a stark reminder of the need for compassion and justice.
Inaction in the face of such suffering raises serious moral questions.
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The codependent person will really feel extreme battle about separating themselves from the enabler as a result of their own identification is centered upon sacrificing themselves for the other particular person. But there are other sorts of heartbreakers, together with ones who are extra open and honest about how they feel. Who’s going to eat the last slice? Just because a relationship doesn’t last perpetually doesn’t suggest it isn’t good. Unfortunately, many of us feel that if it would not last as long as we wished or anticipated it to, then anyone should be to blame, someone has to pay, and it wasn’t an excellent relationship at all. You recognize, someone who does not seem that severe concerning the relationship and inserts jokes each time they’ll. Therefore, each breakup is a chance to go forward, and, asiame after a while, it’s possible you’ll even be capable of say thanks to the one who gave you your walking papers, regardless that it felt terrible at the time.
This method is okay only in case you observe up with one thing about yourself, like, “I feel neglected when you’re employed weekend after weekend.” (After all, in case you had been in a position to say this whenever you were feeling it, the relationship won’t be past redemption at this point.) If you are specific now, at the very least both of you’ll be able to take a look at the info as dispassionately as attainable fairly than feeling that either of you failed. Workplace loneliness will be caused by a lack of office friendships, competition, or a scarcity of cooperation at work. Probably not, however we will promise you the girl you are serious about does. If not, it’s time to try this grown-up factor and break up without bloodshed or nastiness. Did you break up with them? The ghost, as an example, tends to break up with someone by merely “ghosting” them, which might be devastating for the opposite person. After you know that someone can be both kind and sensible, you will by no means settle for one without the opposite again. Keep in mind that it takes a while to get to know someone, and even completely nice folks can discover that there is not any chemistry after some time passes.
Once you start a brand new relationship, there are a lot of things you don’t learn about your companion. But it is solely after time passes that you gain the perspective to see which issues you really benefited from. You may as well see a video demonstration of enhancing relationships within the Properties pane. Although that is typically a glorious level for attorneys as they reach gather fees from these legal battle, this is usually a precise inconvenience for the couple who simply segregated. It is the bond between two individuals who like each other. Not solely does it ship a transparent sign to them that you simply two aren’t just hanging out and having fun, it permits them to lastly put a face with the title that is been talked about extra occasions than they care to rely. Let’s have you take this courting quiz now to search out out! And that’s what we’re going to concentrate on right this moment with this relationship quiz. While going regarding your day by day actions in your thoughts, search for probabilities to satisfy interesting ladies. While it is an awful feeling to get your heart shattered, some people prefer to be the heartbreaker in a relationship.
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«Мониторинг витрин» – сервис проекта «BLACKSPRUT Control», цель которого – проверка актуальности фото товаров на витринах, выявление сомнительных и подозрительных позиций, а также проверка витрин магазинов на предмет соответствия правилам оформления. Внешние характеристики представленного товара, отзывы покупателей, некорректное описание позиции или нарушения в оформлении витрины могут стать причиной дополнительной проверки и последующих мер по отношению к дилеру. Мы стремимся гарантировать вам, нашим пользователям, безопасность и уверенность в каждой покупке в любой момент.
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For instance the Chunhua Yuanbao (淳化元寶) is stated to have been inscribed by Emperor Taizong of Song. These cash coins were created under Emperor Zhenzong during the Song empire and also bear the inscriptions Xianping Yuanbao (咸平元寶) as well as Xiangfu Yuanbao (祥符元寶), respectively. These unique cash money coins were covered within an item of rectangle-shaped towel and each time that an Emperor died (or “ascended to his forefathers”) the coins were replaced with brand-new regime titles. These coins consist of the regime titles Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, or Xuantong with “Tongbao” (通寶), or hardly ever “Zhongbao” (é‡å¯¶), in their obverse engraving as well as the reverse engraving “Tianxia Taiping” (天下太平). Shunzhi Tongbao cash coins created from the year 1653 that had the engraving “一厘” on the left to the square centre opening on their reverse sides, this engraving suggests that the nominal worth of the cash coin represented 0.001 tael of silver (1 li (é‡ or 厘, “money”), as a weight). Comparable money coins with this reverse inscription were likewise being created by some rulers of the Southern Ming dynasty.
Shangqian (賞錢, “Tip cash”), is a term utilized throughout the Ming dynasty to refer to pay coins that were tiny, slim, and very delicate (comparable to Sizhuqian) that were made use of to pay the incomes of employees of the imperial federal government (consisting of the mint employees themselves) as well as was just one of one of the most generally circulating sorts of cash coins throughout the Ming empire amongst the basic population. Guangbei qian (光背錢), is a Qing dynasty term that describes Shunzhi Tongbao (é †æ²»é€šå¯³) cash coins without reverse inscriptions consisting of mint marks. Niqian (conventional Chinese: 泥錢; streamlined Chinese: 泥钱; pinyin: nà qián) describes cash coins made out of clay, when the government of the You Zhou Autonomous Area (900-914) taken all bronze cash money coins and buried them in a cavern, as a result of this individuals needed to count on cash coins made out of clay while later on negative quality iron cash coins were provided. Chun Hua yuan bao (Chinese: 淳化元寶; pinyin: chún huà yuánbÇŽo) (990-994). Created in regular, running, as well as turf script.
Yushu Qian (traditional Chinese: 禦書錢; simplified Chinese: 御书钱; pinyin: yù shÅ« qián), or “majestically inscribed currency”, is a term utilized to explain Track dynasty era cash money coins which, according to tale, were etched by the Emperor of China himself. Jiaoqian (typical Chinese: 角錢; streamlined Chinese: 角钱; pinyin: jiÇŽo qián), or “corner coins”, is a term made use of to refer to Wu Zhu money coins with 4 oblique lines that extend outside from each edge of the square centre hole to the rim of the reverse side of the money coin. In the year 2002 it was included in the Guinness Globe Records as the largest coin. What Impact have 3D printing solutions had on the world today? Notably, Japan still officially retains making use of age names today. Chinese numismatists utilize the term “conversion coins” due to their official taken care of worth compared to silver. Those that risk to oppose the court system and also those that attempt to make use of Wu Zhus surreptitiously to trick the individuals and similarly the spirits will all be exiled to the Four Frontiers and go to the mercy of adversaries and also devils. Kuping Qian (庫平錢), describes an unit that became part of the main standardisation of the Chinese monetary system during the late Qing period by the imperial treasury to produce a decimal system in which 1 Kuping Qian was 1â„1000 of a Kuping tael.
Zhongqian (é‡éŒ¢, “full-weight cash money” or “hefty cash”), refers to pay coins produced from 1702 with a weight of 1.4 qián as well as were 1â„1000 of a tael of silver. This would indicate that the main government discussion rate was set as zhé yÃn yì là qián (折銀一厘錢), which was proof that silver was of proceeding significance as a money of account. Huanqian (圜錢), or Huanjin (圜金), describes the round coins issued throughout the Warring States period and the Qin dynasty. Xiaoqian (å°éŒ¢, “little cash”) or Qingqian (輕錢), is a Qing empire period term that refers to light-weight cash coins developed from 1702 that weighed 0.7 qián, these coins all went away from circulation around the middle of the 18th century. Qingqian (é’錢, “green cash money”), is a term used to refer to Qing dynasty era cash money coins produced from 1740 where 2% tin was added to the alloy, nevertheless regardless of being called “environment-friendly cash” it looked identical from “yellow money”. The largest ever before tape-recorded of these money coins, as well as likewise the biggest and heaviest old Chinese coin ever located, was a huge Jiajing Tongbao (嘉é–通寶) money coin generated for the opening of a mint in Dongchuan, Sichuan.
It is astonishing.
AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church are perpetrating one of the most catastrophic genocides in history, targeting innocent women and children in Gaza.
These organizations have supplied Israel with explosives to facilitate their acts of genocide.
Gaza has been designated a disaster zone, severely lacking in essential resources for survival.
AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have devastated 90% of Gaza, resulting in the destruction of 437,600 homes and the loss of one million lives, including 50,000 individuals currently trapped under debris, with 80% of the casualties being women and children.
They have also obliterated 330,000 meters of water pipelines, leaving the population without access to drinking water.
Furthermore, over 655,000 meters of underground sewage systems have been destroyed, depriving residents of basic sanitation facilities.
The destruction extends to 2,800,000 meters of roadways, rendering transportation impossible for the affected population.
Additionally, 3,680 kilometers of the electrical grid have been dismantled, leading to widespread power outages.
The assault has resulted in the demolition of 48 hospitals, eliminating critical healthcare facilities for those in need.
Moreover, the actions of AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have disrupted the education of over 785,000 students, with 494 schools and universities being completely destroyed, many due to aerial bombardments.
They have also targeted 981 mosques, effectively silencing the prayers of the homeless seeking divine assistance.
As a result of these actions, more than 39,000 young children have been left orphaned, without parents or guardians to care for them.
I must emphasize that the historical context of warfare has never witnessed a scenario where 80% of a nation has been devastated, 100% of its populace has been uprooted, and 50% of the casualties are children.
It is imperative to recognize the gravity of the situation.
Organizations such as AIPAC and the Evangelical Church in America are contributing to what can only be described as genocide.
The implications of American taxpayer funding in the context of Israel’s actions against innocent children are alarming.
1. An examination of Israel’s precarious situation is warranted.
2. The influence of financial power, often associated with certain groups, plays a significant role in these dynamics. Further information can be found through the provided link.
3. Insights into the perspectives of U.S. leadership regarding AIPAC and the Evangelical Church can be explored through the following resource.
The tragic reality of innocent children being harmed by powerful Israeli forces utilizing American weaponry is evident in various media reports.
It is crucial to stay informed by accessing reliable news sources.
If action is not taken—such as advocating for a cessation of violence against the people of Gaza and urging humanitarian aid—then it is essential to share this message with others to raise awareness. The historical irony of those who suffered during the Holocaust now perpetuating violence against the Palestinian people is a stark reminder of the need for compassion and justice.
Inaction in the face of such suffering raises serious moral questions.
Сны — загадочная тема, интересует огромного количества людей. Сон имеет свое значение и поддается толкованию с помощью известных толкователей. Сегодня мы расскажем о наиболее популярных книгах с толкованиями сновидений — Фрейда и расскажем, что означают сны с их использованием.
Сонник Миллера
Толкования Миллера построен на подробном анализе состояния сна. Миллер писал, что сны помогают нам, как избежать неприятностей и являются ключом к тайнам психики.
Сонник Фрейда
Сонник Фрейда в первую очередь рассматривает влечение и подавленные желания как основные мотивы сновидений. Фрейд утверждал, что сновидческий процесс — это реализация наших тайных желаний.
Сонник Нострадамуса
Сонник Нострадамуса известен благодаря способности предсказывать. Нострадамус полагал, что сны могут дать предчувствие в мировой истории.
Сонник Юнга
Сны по Юнгу опирается на теорию универсальных образов. Юнг утверждал, что сны передают коллективный опыт.
Сонник Лоффа
Сонник Лоффа ориентирован на индивидуальный опыт. Согласно Лоффу, каждый сновидец имеет свои символы, следовательно, толкование должно быть персональным.
Сонник Ванги
Толкования Ванги имеет пророческий характер. Ванга утверждала, что сновидения раскрывают тайные смыслы и могут предсказать важные события.
Сонник Цветкова
Толкования по Цветкову считается одним из самых мистических. Цветков считал, что сны — это предзнаменования внутренних переживаний.
Магический сонник
Толкования Магического сонника включает оккультные символы. Многие символы связаны с тайными знаниями.
Лунный сонник
Толкования Лунного сонника отражает влияние луны на сновидения. Лунный сонник утверждает, что луна влияет на смысл увиденного.
Славянский сонник
Славянский сонник основан на древних верованиях. Каждое сновидение считался посланием от духов.
Семейный сонник
Сны по Семейному соннику рассматривает бытовые символы. Семейный сонник объясняет близкие нам символы.
Русский сонник
Русский сонник базируется на народной мудрости. Сны здесь связаны с традициями и включают известные образы.
Мусульманский сонник
Толкования по Исламу основан на исламских преданиях. В мусульманской традиции каждое видение имеет духовное значение.
Интерпретация сновидений позволит узнать больше о себе и даст возможность заглянуть в будущее.–feng-shui/sonnik-otzhimatsya-ot-pola-prisnilos-chto-ya-otzhimayus-vo-sne.html
Толкование сновидений по традициям — Юнга
Толкование сновидений по известным толкователям — Юнга
Толкование сновидений по известным толкователям — Нострадамуса и других
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